This is Jamesia Jackson, your Student Bar Association President for the 2024-2025 academic school year.
Allow me to start off by giving a grand welcome to the incoming 1L class. I hope your first day was enjoyable and prosperous. This new journey that you are about to embark on is not going to be facile, but it is going to be most rewarding. Know that you are here for a reason, and you have already proven that you have what it takes to succeed. Never be afraid to reach out for help and lean on your peers, as well as be a pilar for them. Understand that you are on a curve, and this is a competition, but also note that you can still be the very best and assist others on your way to the top. Do not be discouraged by unfavorable grades or a relatively nadir rank because it is not always about how you start, but how you finish. You cannot win the game, if you are not in it, so never quit and continue to persevere.
I would next like to commend the 2L class for making it past your 1L year. You truly have accomplished something that many before you have been unable to accomplish. No matter where you fall in rank or cohorts, I want you to hold your head up high and be proud that even through adversity you are still here. Look around and take note of your peers that are no longer here and recognize that you are, and that alone is truly a major accomplishment. No matter where you are now, recognize that you have the ability to drastically improve. Keep striving towards greatness. After this year, you have one more left and you are on your way.
Last but certainly not least to my 3L class, congratulations on making it to the last stage of your law school career. The journey has been long and strenuous, but the end is near, and the rewards will be immeasurable. I can wholeheartedly say that it has truly been my pleasure to work with so many brilliant minds and I foresee illustriousness from you all. You all do not need a pep talk. You know what is expected of you and you have demonstrated consistently semester after semester that you can do this. Continue to progress and I commend you all. Future (pass the bar on the first try) attorneys loading.
In summation, I would like to thank you all for entrusting me with this honorable duty and I want to assure you I do not take this honor that has been bestowed upon me lightly. I plan to work diligently and unrelentingly to ensure student success and enjoyment to the best of my ability. I look forward to serving and never hesitate to reach out if you have any comments, questions, concerns, and/or grievances.
With Rattler Pride, Your President
Jamesia Jackson