Community Engagement


To succeed, every institution of higher education needs a broad foundation of supporters.

Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Law is no exception. FAMU College of Law counts among its supporters an alumni base of more than 1,000 law school graduates, and many friends who have demonstrated their commitment to our mission by providing financial support to the law school.


Dean’s Advisory Council Members

The Florida A&M University College of Law’s Dean's Advisory Council is a leadership committee that supports the College of Law’s strategic direction and assists in securing the financial resources to achieve its long-range academic and professional goals for the school’s students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Faye Allen

County Judge, Ninth Judicial Circuit

Roberta Johnson
Vice Chair

General Counsel and Legislative Director for the Orange County Clerk of Circuit and County Courts

Ava Doppelt

Immediate Past Chair

Chan Bryant Abney

Founder/Shareholder, Chan Bryant Abney, P.A.

Shanice Cameron

Corporate Attorney, Holland & Knight; FAMU Law alumna

Amy Carter

County Judge, Ninth Judicial Circuit; FAMU Law alumna

Vanessa Clark

Managing Partner, Clark Law; Board Member, Hispanic Bar Association

Devin Collier

Circuit Judge, Fourteenth Judicial Circuit; FAMU Law alumnus

Jerry Demings

Mayor, Orange County

Cedric Donaldson

Founder, Donaldson CPA & Donaldson Law; Board Member, Paul Perkins Bar Association; FAMU Law alumnus

Buddy Dyer

Mayor, City of Orlando

Tanisha Nunn Gary

African American Chamber of Central Florida

Arti Hirani

Shareholder, Meenakshi A. Hirani, P.A.; President, Orange County Bar Association

Arthenia Joyner

Former Member, Florida Senate; FAMU Law alumna

William L. “Bud” Kirk Jr.

Founding Partner, RumbergerKirk

Jarian Lyons

Trial Attorney, Morgan & Morgan; FAMU Law alumnus

Kimra Major-Morris

Founder, Major-Morris Law; FAMU Law alumna

Christopher Monts

Founding Partner, Monts Law P.L.; FAMU Law alumnus

Mikaela Nix-Walker

Circuit Judge, Ninth Judicial Circuit; FAMU Law alumna

Nizam Razack

Founder & President, Spine & Brain Neurosurgery Center; FAMU Law alumnus

Christina Redman

Director of Real Estate, Fortis Franchise Group

Jéan Wilson

Managing Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig, P.A.


Community Engagement


Law coloring book Download Now

Attention Parents: Please download and share FAMU Law's Colors of Law book with your young children. This special gift encourages children to consider careers in the legal field. They can also have fun coloring the images.  

economic justice clinic staff FAMU's Legal Clinic Offers Help for Black and Minority Owned Businesses

The Economic Justice (EJ) Clinic provides transactional legal services to underserved businesses, organizations, and individuals to support positive economic development. The EJ Clinic represents clients needing assistance with business formation, tax exemption, regulatory issues, contract drafting, and heirs’ property. The EJ Clinic also engages in public outreach, education, and advocacy to address ongoing issues of racial economic disparities.

More Community Engagement from FAMU College of Law


Women's Law Caucus members put on their walking shoes and participated in Orlando's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Saturday, October 28, at Lake Eola.

WLC at Breast Cancer Walk

Abortion rights rally 

Dr. Jeremy Levitt and young men from Orlando visit the Africa Renaissance Monument in Dakar, Senegal.

Distinguished Professor of International Law Dr Jeremy Levitt just returned from a trip to Africa. He has been to Africa many times, but this trip was extra special because youngsters from the community joined him. This experience in the Motherland is sure to make a remarkable difference in the lives of the young men. It is a journey they will not forget.
The Stono Institute’s Racial Justice Rites of Passage Program graduated its first cohort of Racial Justice Youth Leadership Scholars in March 2022.
The final stage of the program includes a cultural immersion pilgrimage or Rites of Passage ceremony in Dakar, Senegal, West Africa.
On July 24, 2022, we took six Black male youth scholars to Senegal for six days to undergo the final part of their training including a secret ritual at the Door of No Return in the Gorée Island (Senegal). The trip signified one’s transition into adulthood.
Dr. Levitt is founder and president of the Stono Institute. He is also a distinguished professor of international law at FAMU College of Law.

Dr. Jeremy Levitt and young men from Orlando visit the Africa Renaissance Monument in Dakar, Senegal.

Dr. Jeremy Levitt takes young men from Orlando on a tour of the historic House of Slaves on Goree Island, Senegal. The house was built in 1776 by the Dutch and is the last slave house still standing in Goree. It now serves as a museum.

Dr. Jeremy Levitt and young men from Orlando visit the Africa Renaissance Monument in Dakar, Senegal.


ORLANDO, Fla - Florida A&M University (FAMU) is partnering with the Florida Department of Health to spread the COVID-19 vaccination message to underserved communities. 

Digital billboards along I-4 are spreading the message for people to get vaccinated for protection against COVID-19. The billboards come at a time when Orlando is considered by the Centers for Disease and Prevention to have a high COVID-19 community level.

“Digital messaging is so important in our statewide outreach,” said Dr. Cynthia M. Harris, FAMU Associate Dean of Public Health. “Through the fiscal support of the Florida Department of Health, our community engagement activities and the hard work of our FAMU College of Law, we are able to effectively spread the importance of the COVID-19 vaccination – particularly in underserved communities.”

The billboards are in English and Spanish and encourage people to protect themselves by getting vaccinated. 

Covid Billboard

covid billboard view from highway


The Florida Department of Health in Orange County visited FAMU Law’s campus twice to provide COVID-19 vaccinations. 

FAMU Law also participated in Orange County’s “Communiversity” vaccine events. 

Partners included: Jacqueline Bradley and Clarence Otis Family Branch Boys & Girls Club of Central Florida, University of Central Florida, Valencia College Downtown Campus, City of Orlando, Florida Department of Health in Orange County, Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida, Florida Technical College, United Foundation of Central Florida and the Black Nurses Association.



The Florida Department of Health in Orange County visited FAMU Law’s campus twice to provide COVID-19 vaccinations. 

ONYX Magazine’s sixth annual Women on the Move (WOTM), with Founding Partner Orlando Health and Presenting Sponsor Mercedes-Benz of Orlando, will recognize some of Florida’s most impactful and influential Black women during a virtual awards celebration to be held on Friday, March 5, 2021, at 7 p.m., via ONYX Magazine’s YouTube Channel and Facebook Live.

Keeping the Women’s History Month theme, “Refusing to Be Silent,” the event will stress the importance of women standing together for our communities while recognizing women who have shattered the glass ceiling in their professions and persevered against all odds. ONYX Magazine is excited to collaborate with its sponsors to present these phenomenal women-trailblazers who are leading major businesses to succeed on national and international levels in several professional disciplines.

“These powerful and innovative achievers are contributors to a thriving economy every day,” said Richard “Rich” E. Black, ONYX Magazine’s Publisher, CEO and Editor-in-Chief. “Our sponsors and other supporters are pivotal to making Women on the Move one of the most prestigious events to recognize women across Florida.”

Deidre Keller Woman on the Move 2021



Mildred Graham

Executive Director of Community Relations
