College of Law Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs within the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University College of Law is committed to upholding the College’s mission, especially its goals of producing professionals, providing public service opportunities and creating learning opportunities for students.

We’re here to create a welcoming and safe environment for you by providing support for personal, academic or professional issues. Members of our team help you develop a foundation for life at the Law School by providing support services, connecting you with resources and facilitating relationships among students, faculty and staff.

The Office of Student Affairs should be the first stop for all students, the place to go when you need answers, help, suggestions and support. Have a question or a problem? Need advice or someone to just listen? Want to propose a new student organization or talk to someone about a problem? Our open-door policy means that we’re always here to listen and point you in the right direction.


More about Student Affairs


Many times, students ask, “What services are offered in the Office of Student Affairs at the College of Law?” The overarching objective is to provide you with the best experience possible while you pursue your degree, and that umbrella can be limitless at times, but but a few of the services we provide are:

  • Student organization assistance
  • Assisting students with disabilities
  • Administering final examinations, including conflicts and accommodated exams
  • Handling student petitions or requests for special exemptions to rules
  • Providing mailbox and locker assignments
  • Health Insurance and Health Services assistance
  • Counseling Services – (Scheduling Face-to-Face and Telephone Appointments)
  • Code of conduct investigations and reporting

If you have any questions or would like more information please do not hesitate to visit us in the Student Affairs Suite or refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.



It is the policy of Florida A&M University that each member of the University community is permitted to work or attend class in an environment free from any form of discrimination including race, religion, color, age, disability, sex, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, and veteran status as prohibited by State and Federal Statues.  This commitment applies to all areas affecting students, employees, applicants for admission and applicants for employment.  It is also relevant to the University's selection of contractors, suppliers of goods and services and any employment conditions and practices.      

Questions concerning this policy and procedures for filing complaints under the policy should be directed to Ms. Latrecha Scott (EOP Director) or Ms. Letitia McClellan (University Title IX Coordinator), located in the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs.  Please also see University Regulation 10.103 Non-Discrimination Policy and Discrimination and Harassment Procedures and University 10.112 Consensual Relationships.



Florida A&M University College of Law is committed to helping students resolve conflicts peacefully and to develop the skills needed to successfully navigate conflict and difficult situations throughout their lives. To that end, the College of Law has developed an informal process referred to as a Meet and Confer Conference, which is designed to support students when conflicts arise 


Grievances involving members of the staff, other students, and student organizations should be discussed initially with the Associate Dean for Student Services and Administration. Grievances involving members of the Law Library staff should be discussed initially with the Director of the Law Library. Grievances involving members of the faculty should be discussed initially with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Grievances about any of the Associate or Assistant Deans should be directed to the Dean. An attempt will be made to resolve the grievance informally, but if that is unsuccessful, the student will be advised as to the next appropriate step.



Under ABA Standard 510, The American Bar Association requires that accredited law schools provide students with the opportunity to submit complaints to the Law School administration “of a significant problem that directly implicates the school’s program of legal education and its compliance with the ABA Standards.” Florida A&M University College of Law invites students to share any concerns they might have about the Law School’s program of legal education as it relates to matters that directly connect to ABA Standards.


Student Health Services provides a wide range of immunizations to enrolled FAMU students. Many extremely valuable vaccines are available to help prevent disease. Preventing any of the following diseases is highly desirable and is best accomplished with vaccinations. Consult with your health care provider or the FAMU Student Health Services at 850 599 3777 for more information about these vaccines.

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella
  • Meningitis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis A
  • Varicella (chicken pox)
  • Influenza
  • Human papilloma virus (HPV)
  • Tetanus
  • Pneumonia


Florida Statute 1006.53, Rule 6C-6.001 FAC, and Rule 6C-6.007 FAC establish immunization requirements for students attending state colleges and universities. Students are required to complete and submit informaiton on the FAMU Health History and Immunization form along with any required documentation. Incoming students must complete the following:

  • Submit completed health history form
  • Provide documentation of two (2) MMR immunizations
  • Provide documentation of Meningitis and Hepatitis B immunization or signed waiver

FAMU Health History and Immunization Form

Immunization Requirements for FAMU Students

All incoming students are required to complete the FAMU Health History and Immunization form. This information must be submitted directly to Student Health Services (do not submit to Admissions or other departments) and accepted before you will be allowed to register for classes. Please pay careful attention to immunization requirements. Students must provide the following:


1) Proof of two (2) Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) shots received at least 28 days apart
a. Vaccinations must have been received after your first birthday
b. Vaccinations must have been received in 1968 or later,
2) Proof of Rubella, Rubeola and mumps immunity by way of lab results.

Hepatitis B and Meningitis:

1) Proof of immunization for Hepatitis B or sign declination
2) Proof of immunization for Meningitis or sign declination.

Recommended Immunizations: Other immunizations recommended by the American College Health Association (ACHA) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) include: Varicella (chickenpox); Polio; Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Td or Tdap); Human papillomavirus (HPV); Influenza; Hepatitis A; and Pneumonia.

Exemptions: 1) Students born prior to January 1, 1957 are exempt from MMR requirement; 2) Religious exemption must be accompanied by a signed statement from your church or a personal statement of your religious tenant and student/guardian completion of vaccine waiver; and 3) Medical exemption requires specific, written documentation on office letterhead signed by a physician. The student/guardian must also complete the FAMU vaccine waiver. Temporary deferments will be allowed if condition is documented on office letterhead and signed by a physician, for pregnancy/possibility of pregnancy, breastfeeding or illness.


Student Forms & Resources

Anti-Hazing Regulation

FAMU Alcohol Permit Form

Student Event Insurance Information


Health Fee Reimbursement Form


Application for Advance Travel

Domestic Travel Agreement

International Travel Agreement

Travel Reimbursement Voucher

Volunteer Service Hours Form (Rattler Record)


Florida A&M University College of Law
201 FAMU Law Lane
Orlando, Florida 32801
(407) 254 3218