

Welcome to the FAMU College of Law
Online Newsroom

The Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs fields requests from the media for interviews with FAMU College of Law subject matter experts.

The FAMU College of Law has subject matter experts to discuss a wide range of legal topics. Please review the Faculty Expert Guide below to see names of faculty members and their areas of expertise. 

Request a Media Interview

To request a media interview with a FAMU College of Law subject matter expert, please contact one of the following staff members:

Name Email
Christopher Miller
Information and Media Services Coordinator
Mildred Graham
Executive Director, Community Relations
Advancement and Alumni Affairs


Email requests are preferred, even on urgent deadlines. Please include:

  • your name and contact information
  • the name of your media organization
  • a brief description of the subject to be discussed
  • the deadline

Every effort will be made to process your media request as soon as possible.

MEDIA NOTE: It is the policy of FAMU to escort members of the media while on campus. Please stop at our security desk in the main lobby and identify yourself as a member of the news media. We are happy to assist you.


Communication's Policy