College of Law Registrar

The College of Law’s Registrar is the custodian of law student records, and it is also where you turn when dealing with matters involving your classes, your student status, graduation and other official matters.

The Registrar’s Office is responsible for registration, grading processes, letters of good standing, bar certifications, enrollment verification, deferment form processing, V.A. certification, official withdrawals, graduation certification, and the administration of final examinations including the distribution of anonymous examination numbers each semester.

General Law School policies and procedures, as well as information regarding registration, course schedules, and graduation may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office.


More About Law School Registrar

Academic Calendars

Course Schedules


Examination Schedules




Graduation Requirements


Student Handbook


Transcript Requests



Veteran Services

Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Law welcomes you and extends a heartfelt thank you for your service and sacrifices for our country.  Earning a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from FAMU Law has been made possible to many men and women who are veterans of the U.S Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, and National Guard and Reserves.  We are extremely honored to assist veterans and their dependents with their educational benefits.

This webpage is designed to provide information and assistance to prospective and current students who are eligible to receive Veteran Affairs (VA) education benefits. FAMU Law Veteran Services is located within the College of Law Registrar’s Office. VA certifying staff serve as a link between the VA and students. Their main function is to certify and report enrollment information to the Veterans Administration to ensure receipt of educational benefits by eligible students.  The Department of Veterans Affairs is your best source for information about all VA education benefits programs.

The College of Law Financial Aid Office is committed to serving as a resource to veteran students and their families. The Financial Aid Office works in conjunction with the College of Law Registrar’s Office regarding Veteran benefits and payment. All sources of student aid have rules that govern how aid should be awarded when a student is receiving Veteran Education Benefits therefore it is important for the College of Law Financial Office and the Registrar to carefully coordinate VA benefits that you receive to ensure we help prevent being over award and avoid the need to repay any portion of aid that you receive.
Post 9/11 GI Bill and scholarships
Some scholarships may reduce the amount of the tuition payment the GI Bill sends. If your scholarship is only allowed to pay tuition, the GI Bill cannot pay that tuition a second time. As Professional Students if your scholarship is meant to pay for costs beyond tuition, you must submit documentation from the scholarship provider to our office to be eligible to receive the scholarship on top of the GI Bill. For students receiving full VA benefits, a complete recalculation of the aid package will occur.

The following VA education benefits are available for use at FAMU Law:

Getting Started:
Please sign and scan these documents and return to

C.W. Bill Young Tuition Program:
The C. W. Bill Young Tuition Waiver Program waives out-of-state fees for an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, United States Reserve Forces, or the National Guard who physically resides in Florida while enrolled at Florida A&M University College of Law.  This waiver may also be used by eligible dependents who are using GI Bill benefits that the veteran transferred to them.

Please e-sign the following document

Veteran Resourceful Links:


Deborah Holmes

College of Law Registrar

(407) 254 3279
(407) 254 3221